
Surralk Litter Three!



3 Years
04-23-2016, 11:59 PM (This post was last modified: 04-24-2016, 08:35 PM by Ciùineas.)
Name: Wynnfrith Talamh Adravendi
Design #: 12
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful Good, though subject to change through character development and plots.
Puphood — playful, optimistic, naïve, caring, kind

As with any puppy, Wynnfrith will be playful and optimistic once he is able to move around and stretch his limbs.  He knows no better than to be naïve, for he has known little other than his loving family and all of his siblings and cousins and aunts and uncles... you get the point.  He will practically be bouncing off the walls with energy that must be spent playing with abolutely anything.  Heck, if nobody will play-fight with him, he'll fight a piece of grass in the Vericona Plains or bat at some cattails by Wolfpaw Lake.  Deep down, the boy is a caring and sweet individiual.  If one were in need, he will most definitely slow down and stop to help them.  Even if it's someone that's his family's worst enemy.  Wynn doesn't know any better, and can't see evil until it's right in his face.  If he is introduced to darkness and evil whilst he's a child, he just won't comprehend how anyone can be mean or hurt someone else.

Adulthood — intelligent, justified, lawful, altruistic, loyal, protective

With time and careful development, Wynn will come to realize that the world is not black and white, but rather a muddled shade of grey.  He will realize that there are sometimes bad people in the world, and will come to accept this.  Having grown out of his youthful naïvety, Wynnfrith has slowed down and become a more intelligent and lawful individual, thinking carefully of his actions before committing to them.  He is often lost in thought, spacing out in the middle of conversations to think of what to say next.  Nobody ever said he was a quick thinker, persay.  Like his parents before him, the Adravendi is altruistic, selfless to those who have acquired his trust and need aid.

Wynnfrith is loyal, almost to a fault.  Once he has latched onto a cause and pledged his allegiance to it, you can bet your life that he will not let go.  Celestial, his home pack, is the most important thing to him, and he would fight to the death for it.  His family is important, and he will use tooth and claw to defend it.  Sometimes he may come off as a little too protective, hovering over the shoulders of those unable to defend themselves, such as pups or the elderly.
Wynnfrith Talamh Adravendi will begin as a scruffy little brown pup in his litter, with markings smudged and undefined until he is weaned.  At this stage of life, he will already show signs of becoming a bulky and strong canine.  He will never suffer from the awkward gangliness stage that most pups do.  Maybe he'll stumble over his big paws a few times here and there, but he will not ever be able to be considered "slender-limbed".  They will already be thick and stocky, though the puppy fat will have yet to be burned off during play and through aging.

As Wynn ages, his musculature will definitely develop a lot between two seasons old to a year old, sculpting him into a bulky beast that towers over his mother.  At his broad shoulders, he will stand at thirty-six inches (36") in height, and weigh a hefty one hundred-seventy pounds (170 lbs) at his healthiest.  With the development of his muscles, he will also develop a thick and course coat of fur, and one with more clearly defined markings than in puphood.  The fur will become longest at the neck, shoulders and hindquarters, as well as blessing him with a longer and fuller looking tail.  Upon his coat will always be a scent of grass and soot.  His voice will grow deeper and be reminiscent of J.K. Simmons.

The beast's markings will be built upon a canvas of a rusty chocolate hue.  They are quite natural and inspired by the patterns of a real-world wolf.  A darker brown than his base appears on his backside, stretching all the way across it and covering both his face and tail entirely.  Layered beneath it is a grayish-brown color and slightly darker variation of his base.  The very same dark color appears on his stocky limbs, hiding beneath cream-colored stockings.  At about the middle of Wynn's nape, the chocolate color "drips" down in two places, creating muddled stripes.  The gray color that lies beneath the dark chocolate color surges up and colors the backs of his ears, and defines three circular markings upon his face, one on his forehead and two on his eyebrows.  Rusty chocolate curls beneath the gray markings, creating an oblong figure before his eyes and dripping down in a blaze that splits at his snout into two sections mottled between rusty chocolate and gray-brown.  Finally, Wynnfrith sports two underfur colors: a rusty hue that covers underneath his neck and stomach, and a gray-brown that covers the underside of his maw and tips his stockings.  About Wynnfrith's one golden eye and one blue eye curls a marking of the color of the tan stockings on his legs, an outline that curls outwards in sort of a wing.
Roleplay Sample:
"Come, my little loves," a soft voice echoed in his ears as he woke up.  Blinking once or twice as the den came into focus, Wynn looked up tiredly.  He yawned, cracking his little jaws wide open.  A few other yawns sounded from the den, each one coming from a very tired puppy.  Mismatched eyes flickering up as he stretched his legs, he found the figure of his mother dimly outlined by light filtering through the entrance of the den he had called home for all his life—which wasn't very long, to be fair.  She lowered her head and chuckled softly, tilting her head to motion towards the entrance.  "We're going outside today," she cooed before walking off towards the entrance.  With that, Wynnfrith realized that today was the day!  The day that Mama and Dada let him and his siblings out of the den and see the world.

Excitement bubbled within him as he rapidly tried to get to his feet, stumbling a few times and watching his smaller and slimmer siblings clamber outside easily, before following right on their tails.  The dim light expanded and grew into a bright light that seemed harsher than any star.  Wynn had closed his eyes against the light, but as a cool breeze hit him in the face, he opened them to find a whole new world to explore.  And boy, was that world big!  At least, it was a lot bigger than he had everexpected it to be.

Wynnfrith just about stumbled over his own massive paws as he gawked at the stretching plains before him.  They looked like they went on forever, disappearing into the far horizon.  A breeze drifted through the expanse, making the grasses shudder and running it's invisible fingers through his scruffy fur, tying it into knots.  He sniffed the air and found so many scents of other wolves and the unmistakeable odor of the pack that he would soon come to meet.  Mismatched eyes widened as he felt his siblings shove past him and leap into the tall stalks of grass and begin to relish the experience.  The chocolate-hued boy jumped right in after them.