
Love will find a way <3



4 Years
04-24-2016, 01:28 AM

The sand was quaint, he had to admit. It was lightly soft and warm underneath his paw, giving him the urge to frolic and dance through it. Though sometimes the occasional gusts of wind lifted the sand ever so effortlessly and sprayed the fine particles all over him. A few grains landed in his eye, causing him to furiously blink. The sand appeared to be irritating the fine lady as well, for she snapped her jaws about. "The sand is a bit," he searched for the right word, trying to stop his eyes from watering, "bothersome, no?"

Her wintery blue eyes met his emeralds as she told him about Fiori - her home - and how she had come to find it after living a lone rogue life ever since puphood. Wow, he couldn't fully fathom the life as a rogue, living without the support and inclusion of a pack, especially as a pup. How could a child live their life all on their own? At least he had had Abaven to nurture him when his mother passed and brothers left. "Well, I've been in Abaven my entire life," he stated with another shy chuckle. "I'm probably one of the oldest members remaining. Not by age, but by how long I've been around." Way to go Tinaro, he thought bitterly to himself. Now she'll think you're old. Am I old? I can't be. Not yet.

She responded to his clueless inquiry with giddy giggles; okay, so she wasn't frustrated, or the least bit annoyed. Phew. He watched with curious eyes as one crab in particular made its way around the cluster of the crustacean, charging forward and landing with a thud when the lady barked. Startled, the cluster of crabs jumped to life and scurried in his direction, and at the sight, he recoiled from the creatures, ensuring none of them crawled on his fur. "You...want me to scare them?" he asked breathlessly, still unsure at to what these honours were.