



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
04-24-2016, 10:10 AM (This post was last modified: 04-24-2016, 12:41 PM by Tealah.)
OOC Name: Tealah
Character Name: Chridhe

Appearance: Chridhe is a pure, unsaturated white untouched by cream or ivory tones over nearly every inch of the silky pelt that clings to her like the pelt of an otter. The only color to mar the snowy fur are delicate ghost markings in a pale silvery gray - a thick malar stripe running from the inner corners of her eyes to the bottom of her lips, and a delicate v-shaped marking on her back, beginning just behind her shoulders midway down her ribcage on either side, and coming together in a point over her hips. Her large eyes are a brilliant, deep purple in color, and more often than sparking with a mischievous spirit and good humor. She is quite small and slim, though her build gives more the impression of the coltish, cute tininess of a pup rather than an elegant princess - hers is the build of a mischievous pixie, not a delicate hothouse flower. Slightly pug-nosed, her muzzle is a little shorter than it should be, her paws a little oversized and her ears rather large for her hrad and a little less firmly upright, Chridhe looks like nothing more than a gangly young pup that will never grow out of her puppy phase.

Personality: Perhaps as her appearance suggests, Chridhe is stuck in puppyhood. Even as she grows older she will continue to be the same playful, mischievous pup she's always been. She is a bit of a tease, but she doesn't do it maliciously - despite her mischief-making she doesn't have a malicious bone in her body. She would never do anything with the intention of causing harm to another, between the rede and her work as a healer her beliefs simply do not allow her to. She is, however, no shrinking flower to hold back in fear or uncertainty. Chridhe is a bold, energetic wolf with something of a take-charge personality that while well-meaning may come across as a bit bossy at times. Brave and goodhearted, her every instinct tells her to help others in whatever way she can, and that has led her to learning the art of healing. Healing not only of the body, but of the mind and spirit as well, because are not body, mind, and soul most properly one? She's self-confident and matter of fact with her healing, and has no issue with admitting when she's out of her depth though she will give it everything she's got rather than roll over in defeat.

RP Sample: A full-throated laugh burst from the tiny yearling as she bounded beside CiĆ¹ineas. She was glad her elder cousin had seen fit to organize this expedition, and more so to allow her to tag along despite her youth and inexperience. An adventure! It seemed sometimes like things had been just slow and dull all her life until this moment. Surely this was the beginning of some great destiny for them all. What would they discover at the end of their journey?

The energetic youth broke off from her family to race off at a right angle, chasing after a startled deer and sending it leaping gracefully through the thicket. She grinned after it, tongue lolling out of her muzzle though she made no effort to catch up to the deer and instead bounced back to the path covered in stickers and twigs. Luckily they'd be easy enough to remove from her sleek coat, though the burrs temporarily stuck in her ear hairs were rather scratchy and uncomfortable. Still, she pranced back up to CiĆ¹ineas with her only her eyes smiling, because her mouth was entirely too full of a heavy stick she'd picked up at a run to carry with her and chew on. "I'nt 'ith grea'?" she slobbered around the stick happily, beaming at the family members who had come on the journey, but she didn't need them to answer her hardly-understandable question. Of course this was great!

Plans: She's going to be doing a lot of learning, since as a yearling she's very inexperienced still with healing and things of a spiritual nature though she has the instincts for it and has had a good solid foundation. She's definitely not going to keep to herself, being as outgoing as she is, but she'll likely be doing a lot of tagging along with her cousins. After all, who else is going to keep everyone's spirits up and keep them healthy?