



5 Years
04-24-2016, 03:37 PM (This post was last modified: 07-19-2016, 02:44 PM by Locha.)
OOC Name: Rina
Character Name: Cairteal (Car-chal) (from Prìomh)

Appearance: Cairteal is the complete opposite of his sister. A deep chocolately brown is the colour of the majority of the male's pelt.  There is a light light spattering of white down his back, ending just before his tail starts, as well as a sprinkle over his maw and underneath his eyes. Speaking of his eyes, they are a pure mint green, a pop of colour amidst his earthy-toned fur. He is unusually tall for his family, standing at 38 inches tall, he towers over Chridhe. His build is athletic, his muscles more evident around his legs, jaws and chest. He is built for speed rather than fighting. His height paired with his warm gaze gives him the image of a friendly giant.

Personality: Gentle, Kind, Loyal, Shy, Bashful
Cairteal is a polite and quiet creature. He loves to help people, and despite his age he's a bit of and old soul. He's the perfect counter-balance to his sister's hyper nature, preferring to sit on the sidelines and watch over her. He's a caring individual and is a keen healer. He has a passion for herb collecting and is an avid learner.
Growing up with such and outgoing sister, the spotlight was never on Cair, and he prefers it that way. He's shy when meeting new people and can get a little flustered if attention is directed to him. He's modest, bordering on self-conscious, and doesn't like to dwell on his achievements; instead preferring to get on to the next job.
He loves pups, and of it were any more possible, he manages to become even more gentle around them. He shows a more playful side of himself around little ones that doesn't tend to come out on it's own.

RP Sample: At least 200 words!

Plans: What ideas do you have for this character?  Any interactions with others, or maybe even plans to follow Ciùineas, should she decide to make a pack after leading the movement to Auster/Boreas?