
What is dead may never die


06-13-2013, 12:59 PM

312 Words | Midnight | 6-13-12

Her amber eyes gazed from side to side cautiously around the area. Was it a trick? Or was it something else, something far more devious and controlling then she thought about? Semananti was normally cautious of the world around her, but this time she was rather care-free. It was almost shocking, but it wasn't at the same time. Sema had traveled far and wide, only to come across these springs. The springs were steaming up from the heat of the water. She couldn't help but grin at it, knowing that there might be prey around. Perhaps a scavenging mongrel to challenge for a meal?

Her mouth was dry, but she figured that the steaming water of the spring in front of her was too hot to take a sip from. So with a fierce ambition to continue forward and find another place, she let her feet carry her away. She had her ears pricked, listening for some way to determine if others were around. Her nose scenting around the moist air. She would not be snuck up on, not ever again. She hadn't always been alert, however she had been attacked on her travels, and she had killed foolish travelers on her ways as well. She knew that some idiots had a strong sense of security, one that led to deaths.

The moon shone above her, and she knew that it would light her path that night. It would show her the ways. The gods were always looking out for her as she was an eternal servant of Artemis, one who wasn't afraid to fight for her beliefs, but one who would not get into mindless violence or fights. Hera and Artemis light my path, I am a divine servant. Lead me away. Her thoughts were always between her and the gods. No one else would ever be able to crack her mind.