
Postcards and Polaroids



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
04-25-2016, 02:16 AM
They all arrived shortly after she called for them, however, the usual smile that often was on her face was not present. This was a serious matter, and it was their choice in the end. Though it would pain her if they decided to stay, she wouldn't hold it against them. Imperium after all, was the only home they'd known since they were babies. While the others looked curious about what was going on, lykos knew more about what was to come. He looked conflicted, not ready for the situation at hand, but it had to be done sooner or later. Her sons gryphon and Kharnage had nearly escaped the same fate that took their sister, and she felt that she had to protect them no matter what. But it would be harder if they chose to continue living here.

Finally, after a moment of silence she would speak. "You know why you've been called here. It is time, boys, to make a decision. I intend to stake a claim for our own pack, however, I need to know if you want to go with me, or stay here." She looked to each of them in turn, a soft yet serious gaze. She would support whatever decision they chose, and if they decided to stay and later join her, she would welcome them with open arms. They were her family after all, and in her heart and mind, blood ran thicker then anything. "Will you go? Or will you stay? Take your time to decide. Just know that I won't be mad with your choice. I love you all, and you're old enough to make your own decisions."


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