
This Is Gospel

Athena I


9 Years
04-26-2016, 12:46 PM

ooc: sorry for the wait, guys! I didn't time this well in relation to my absence. But lets get to it! Since I play all three of our pack's fighters I will start new threads for each of our training groups and PM you links.

Athena waited patiently while wolves slowly began to file in. She wasn't surprised to see Leo arrive first and she'd return the man's grin and chuckle with one of her own. "Attackers don't come for us when it's pretty and sunny outside," she commented. Everyone might not be pleased that they were being drug out in the middle of the night for training, but this was the most realistic situation she could imagine. Her wife arrived next with herbs and a concerned gaze in tow. Athena immediately felt conflicted as she looked down at Amalia's gaze, her ears flicking. She didn't want to force Amalia to do something she didn't want to, but she needed her wife to be safe if something happened and she wasn't around to protect her. "Just a little, okay?" she replied with a small smile, tipping her muzzle down to nuzzle the top of Ama's red head.

Arivae and Razor come next, soon followed by Bright Moon and her son. Slowly she was beginning to realize just how outnumbered the fighters of the pack were compared to the non-fighters. Nalamimi and Ashelia came last and only added to the conundrum. She wasn't familiar with the two women and didn't know how they felt about fighting, but if Ashelia's face was any indication she at least wouldn't be pleased. Athena sighed softly, a small frown tugging at her lips. It seemed she had more work to do than she thought. She looked around the group and did a mental run through of the pack. It seemed the only member not here was Epiphron... but she couldn't wait for her forever. She glanced at Leo, knowing he would notice her absence as well, before looking back to those that had gathered around her.

"Thank you for coming, everyone," she began. "I called you for training tonight because sieges and attackers don't come in opportune times. They won't wait for you to be prepared, they won't come in the middle of the day." She paused, looking around at the wolves around her. "I understand that very few of you have experience with fighting. I'm not trying to make you into warriors, but I am trying to make sure that if the need arises you will be able to defend the pack, or at least yourself. That being said, it will do you no good to throw you into a spar if you have no idea what to do." She started grouping wolves together in her head, speaking as she decided what to do. "Amalia and Arivae. You two go with Leo. Razor and Bright Moon. You'll be with Tiburtius. That leaves Ashelia and Nalamimi with me. Break off into groups. Our fighters will show our non-fighters some defensive moves. After you do that if anyone is comfortable enough to go into a spar feel free."

"Talk" "You" Think