
this house don't feel like home



10 Years
04-26-2016, 06:43 PM
To say Ara was out of the loop would be a vast understatement. As a healer, she knew she should have been aware of things like this.. of sicknesses that were plaguing the lands near her. But truth be told, she mostly kept to herself, even more these days with her wife's absence. The female had never been a terribly social wolf, which she knew was a shame as being more outgoing would grant her more knowledge. The thought of other wolves was far from her mind as she stood, front paws moving with precision as she attempted to force the damp soil away from the roots of the watercress plants. She hardly noticed the presence of another until he was rather close, and his voice made her almost jump in surprise.

Eyes widened slightly, the female would jerk her head to the side, eyes quickly fixing on him as he approached. Though he remained quite a long distance away, his appearance was a bit threatening - scarred and tattered, though his voice was soft and not at all frightening. Unconsciously, her ears would flatten down against her skull, tail remaining limp at her hocks as she regarded him cautiously. He asked what the plant was that she was digging up - he gaze briefly returned to the watercress, before lifting back up to him again.

"This -" she started, making a slow effort to pull back from the plant and shake some of the dirt from between her toes, "- is called watercress." He seemed interested in what she was doing, and her heart felt light at the possibility of teaching a stranger some of what she knew, though she knew she couldn't let her guard down entirely. "It's supposed to help coughs, mostly,"  Ara would start, a small smile tugging at her lips as she watched him. "Though, like most herbs, you shouldn't take too much at first, just in case." It was obvious, from the passion in her voice, that this was a topic she enjoyed talking about, and was happy to share with someone new.