
Postcards and Polaroids



8 Years

Trick 2019
04-26-2016, 07:28 PM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2016, 07:29 PM by Gryphon.)
Gryphon tilted his head slightly in confusion as his mother stated they all knew why they'd been called, though he strove to keep his expression merely that of curiosity. Maybe he had missed something? Dragon and Lykos seemed to know well enough what was going on, though Lykos' grim expression didn't really inspire a whole lot of comfort in Gryphon, and he shifted uneasily. Kharnage seemed as clueless as he was.

They weren't left in suspense though, because even though they were all supposed to know already why they were called their mother took the time to explain it as well, but Gryphon's confusion only deepened. She wanted to make a pack? But they already had a pack, and they didn't have to worry about going hungry or getting attacked or anything, because Imperium was just plain too big to be messed with. They'd just gotten mentors - who would train them if they left now? It seemed very risky, and instinct prompted a gut-deep worry in the young would-be guardian. He wanted to argue with them, convince them that they were acting crazy.

But his mother looked serious about this, and it sounded like she was going to leave to do this no matter what he and his brothers decided to do. Dragon and Kharnage were quick to voice their desire to go with her, and Gryphon's eyes widened in discomfort and indecision as he cast a hesitant look towards Lykos who had yet to speak up. What would he do if Lykos didn't want to leave, but their mother and brothers left? He couldn't stay and go, couldn't protect two different groups of his family in two different packs at the same time. And what about the caches of pretty stones, feathers, and bones that he'd begun slowly accumulating in little hiding places around Imperium? He'd never be able to carry all that to a new pack... But in the end, after an agony of indecision that seemed to last for eternity, it was that same deep certainty of the danger of leaving the pack that decided him. A small, brand new pack would need all the help it could get to stay safe, wouldn't it? And he might never have gotten the chance to train to hunt or fight, but he was a fast learner and he was determined to make sure that his mother and brothers were safe and comfortable, even if they were leaving the safest place he knew. He huffed out a sigh that clearly said you're all insane, but nonetheless said aloud, in a vaguely querulous and grumpy tone, "I'll go with you. Someone needs to keep you all safe if you're going to go off by yourselves."