
Set Apart this Dream



6 Years
06-13-2013, 02:18 PM

Winter brought a harsh weather to Valhalla, harsher than the previous year into which the young female had been born. The cold saw her coat thicker than was usual, boasting a plush cover to keep her well insulated from the elements. Her Winter birth gifted her an already rather plush coat of about a medium thickness. Full and lush year round.

A meeting was being called by Chrysanthe. The previous meeting had gone so horribly astray and in a moment of distraction, Az had completely missed the transfer of power from Epiphron to Chrysanthe. She had believed that the appearance of her uncle, Syrinx, had been a challenge for beta position but she had been wrong. Additionally, Cairo was left in worse a shape than ever. Her grandfather was past his time, Valhalla would either find its feet or parish. Unfortunately this was the way of nature.

When Azalea reached the gathering there were already many wolves in attendance. Epiphron was not there. Her parents would not be around either, as both had been shipped off to Glaciem. From what she understood Soleil would be training healers. Her amber eyes found Sarak and she smiled happily, tail wagging a bit. They had had a good talk not too long ago, giving her the confidence she needed now to go sit beside him. She had sat near him at the last meeting but he hadn't even noticed, not that his eyes should have been on her.

Sarak's eyes wandered around as she moved through the crowd. Finally she came to sit by him, putting herself closer to him than any other Valhallan likely allowed themselves to be. It was a friendly distance, one to where they could talk together and not be bothered by others. "Hey." She greeted with a smile, glancing toward Chrysanthe. She could not miss anything this meeting. "So, what do you think the meeting is about?"
