
The Mirror Never Lies



9 Years
04-27-2016, 10:44 PM

Creed was feeling more than torn up about everything. His trip to Donostrea hadn't been a good one. He hadn't figured out where all of the Donostrean's had gone, but it was clear they weren't at the prairie or the beach anymore. To top it all off Avalon was claiming a pack, which was good news for her, but it made him sad to think the care-free pack Locha had been a part of was no longer there. How was he supposed to tell her she didn't have a home to go to anymore? How was he supposed to tell her that he couldn't find a good trace of her family anymore and that chances of him tracking them down were slim to none? He was a good tracker but rain had long since washed away any good leads.

Instead of going home and being responsible he decided to procrastinate and keep looking around. He'd been vaguely aware of a pack set up near them, Argead, but it wasn't around anymore. His next thought was to go to Fiori and see who he could run into, but when he went to cut through the weeping woods he was surprised to find that a pack had been set up there. Somewhat annoyed by having to take a detour, yet extremely curious about the new pack, he cut around through the grass plains instead.

Really he wasn't sure where he was going anymore. He finally decided to take a break and plopped his rump tiredly on the ground. He'd done a lot of traveling lately and his paws were finally screaming for a break. He'd ran into Avalon here before and his mind flicked to the encounter for a brief moment before he thought about the pack she was creating. He was happy for her, but the more he thought about it the more he pined for the Glaciem that had been there when he was a child. He missed it really but he also knew there was no turning back time. All he could do was enjoy the memories he had.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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