
I love the fog


06-13-2013, 03:06 PM
Vriska was enjoying this, this would be some fun. The fog made it hard to see, but she could feel his body moving around her. She came from a family of killers, it wasn't exactly something that was hard to do. Yet she pretended she didn't know, feeling the pressures of the world around her. Oh, but she did want to play his game? Maybe something fun would come out of it. The pain in his eyes, maybe he'd be the first to break her. Vriska believed she needed to feel the pain, to experience true to the fear so that she could learn how to get stronger. Both of them were rogue's judging by his scent, so there were no restrictions were there. As she smirked and turned her head towards his direction with her violet eyes glowing with delight with the sounds that came out of his mouth of a game. Bloodlust was waving off of him like a waterfall. So he was that kind of player? A challenge perhaps, she knew herself it would be some challenge. Bigger opponents didn't always beat her, it depended on weather or not they could back up their size with strength of some sort.

Vriska decided to turn towards him to avoid being hit from behind. Her paws planted firmly on the ground. She whined sarcastically, "Oh I do hope you aren't here to maim a dear old lady like I. I'm simply searching for a place to rest and settle down." she laughed, like someone like him would ever fall for that. "Well, that's what most males would hope to hear, sorry dear, but I think our game is the same. And we can see who wins." Her tail flicked again as she prepared herself. Pulling her lips back to reveal nice pearly white set of canines. Her bones aching and muscles quivering for a fight. Waiting for him to charge, or otherwise, play his trick in his part of the trade. That was how the game was played was it not?