
On the road again


04-28-2016, 07:54 PM
She was pissed, but then again when wasn't she? The foreign woman had lost track of Basileus again, and it was increasingly frustrating. At least one good thing came out of this stupid journey...she had at least learned to speak English better then she had upon arriving. Not that she really cared, but how else could she tell someone they were being stupid or were down right idiots? While she often didn't have anything nice to say, at least they would understand that they were indeed, idiots.

And who were they? Whatever idiot rogue that crossed her path thinking they could take advantage because she was a little woman. Sure, she wasn't as big as half of those she came across, but she could deliver one hell of a bite.

Grumbling to herself as she lazily walked across the bifrost, she had no idea where she was going let alone where she was. Water was all around her, the narrow strip of sand beneath her feet did well to keep her feet dry for now. But later? Later there might not be any sand to walk on until the following day. And she would be very pissed if she were to be stranded in the ocean.