
Up In The Air


04-30-2016, 09:19 PM
Alfred frowned, tilting his head to the side. Late aunt..? Who was late? Aunty Amalia? Alfred tried to shake the thoughts from his head, just getting confused the more he thought on Avalon’s words. Apparently because one of his aunts had adopted Avalon as a sister that meant she was kind of like an aunt to him. The pup realized as Avalon spoke on that she wasn’t part of Fiori... That whichever aunt she spoke of had owned her own pack.... And she might even have her own one day?

His blue eyes widened with wonder, getting to a sitting position as well as his ears perked forward. “Really!? Do you think your pack is gonna be friend’s with Fiori?” Nervousness was abandoned as excitement began to wash over Alfred’s frame. He started to wag his tail, at least until Avalon asked how he got out this far... He looked down guilty, trailing his paw in the dirt. “I... I was looking for my mother...” The child spoke in a quiet tone.

“She went missing... I thought dad might be sad without her so...” Alfred let out a sigh. “But I couldn’t find her and I got lost...” His blue gaze would return to her amber one. “...Now I just want to go home. I’m sure dad’s been worried...”
