
A frozen Waste


02-17-2013, 02:01 PM
Looking in to his eyes Ookami could see a spark of happiness residing in his eyes. She smiled lightly at Thane, lowering her head she rested it upon his chest as she listened to him talk about how they will make a better future until they depart from this world. Ookami closed her eyes and small tears filled her face as the thought of she had a family again filled her head. It makes her thrilled and scared at the same time, She was terrified of loosing the ones that she loves so dearly. Ookami was not sure as to how she would be mentally if she lost another loved one in a violent manor.

Her head was still pressed up against his chest, her tail was swaying a little bit as she stood there. She could feel each breath that Thane took and it was soothing. This moment to her was the awaking that she needed to recover from the violent loss of her parents and siblings. Still not looking up at Thane or even moving her head from him she spoke softly."Yes Thane, we are in this together till the very end." She paused a little bit and looked up at him.

A smile filled her face as she gazed upon his face, this was who she was meant to be with and she knew it in the deepest part of her soul. This was her second chance as to have a family, and Ookami was determined not to let anything happen to her new family.