
The Mirror Never Lies



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-01-2016, 04:08 PM (This post was last modified: 05-01-2016, 04:08 PM by Epiphron.)

The Tall Grass Plains were much more desolate during this time of year. Though the grasses weren't fully dead yet, they were slowly losing their color; what was once a rippling sea of green was now a dull array of brown and grey. The sound of the grass rustling beneath her paws as she moved across the field seemed louder than usual, as the world was rather quiet today. Thanks to the silence, her senses were on high alert; she could hear the sound of birds singing in the far-off distance, and her ears swiveled to get a better sense of what they said.

Her mind felt unusually clear as she trekked through the vegetation, grateful for the decent weather. The temperatures were slowly dropping, though they weren't low enough to be deemed uncomfortable quite yet. The afternoon sun was a pleasant contrast to the cool air and the brief bouts of wind that rustled her coat - and it was difficult to be in a foul mood on such an autumn day. She wasn't sure how long she wandered across the plains before she spotted a stranger, who sported a pelt of various shades of grey.  

Feeling more social than usual, she would redirect herself toward him, tail waving absently behind her. Her demeanor was light, though reasonably cautious as she closed the distance between them easily. "Hello, stranger," Epiphron would offer him tentatively, though her posture was more relaxed than anything else. The way she moved had a confidence that could only be gained with age; and a smooth sureness that made her seem unshakable. Odd place to stop for a rest."