
You're a masterpiece

Katja the First


8 Years
05-02-2016, 03:20 PM
Asvor seemed to respond eagerly enough to the prospect of spending time with her, but her question made Katja cock her head to the side consideringly. Though it was common practice in the tradition of their family, she herself didn't choose to partake in mind altering substances, so she knew little of them or their effects. "I know very little," she spoke slowly. "Either of plants that heal, or plants like your uncle Kapra's. I do know that they are many, and will effect a wolf in many various ways. Some produce visions, or euphoria, while others will calm or entrance. Certain mushrooms will have these effects as well as plants. They can be very dangerous, though," she cautioned with the utmost seriousness. "Some are poisonous in large doses, and even used properly can still kill." She thought for a moment, silver eyes drifting to the distance. It could be nothing more than an idle curiosity from Asvor's observations of her uncle, or it could be a genuine interest, and she wondered how far this interest in herbs might extend. To healing? If so, she had Kassander or Lyndvarr to teach her. But if this interest swerved the... opposite direction, into poisons, well... she doubted not that Kassander would be horrified at the idea of teaching someone that, and she did not know if Lyndvarr had any experience in it either, so if Asvor's interest proved to lay in such a direction she would need to think about finding the girl a teacher, if indeed a trustworthy teacher in that arena could even be procured. She returned her attention to her daughter. "There are some who use plants like that and other poisons as a weapon, much as a fighter would use their teeth, and some who are godi who use them as tools to bring them closer to the gods. Some are even used in healing as well for pain or to induce calm. They have many uses."