
Are You A Saint Or A Sinner? [M]


06-13-2013, 05:48 PM
There was no way she would be able to hold out for the rest of the season. It was impossible. He knew her too well. Despite the resistance in her words, her body was screaming at him to take her. She was stubborn in her rejection of him, but he knew if he pushed enough, she would eventually give in. She wanted him, he wanted her, there was just no other way around it. They needed each other now more than anything. If she ended up not giving him what he wanted, then he would retreat elsewhere to find somewhere where he could get it, regardless of how she felt about it. Either that or he would find something or someone to torture. Both worked.

She didn't move from beneath him, allowing her body to roll on its side as she craned her neck towards him, nipping at his chest and his throat, rumbling quietly. He could feel her body begin to respond to his teases, see the shivers that racked her spine. She purred his name, a subtle warning, but Demyan took no heed. He didn't want to stop and he wasn't going to stop. There wasn't much power to her words so the hellion cast them away like nuisances. She would not fight him, not when he had her like this, so vulnerable and completely at his mercy. He knew he had her where he wanted her and it wasn't like she didn't enjoy the position either.

She tried to move away from him, inching her way forward but he was right there, pulling his limbs in closer until he was physically trapping her with body. She continued to nip at him, the force behind them becoming stronger, a soothing lick presented after each nip. A low moan vibrated in his chest as he lowered himself more, allowing his length to probe at her entrance, sliding it teasingly against her. If she was allowing him to do this he knew it wasn't going to be long before he fucked her. His own nips were given to her throat, sharp painful ones, knowing how much pleasure she derived from pain.