
The Return



7 Years
Extra large
05-03-2016, 03:35 PM

Normally you wouldn't find a male like himself wandering these lands. Aimlessly as he usually did, the skinny male searching for his next meal. The best he would with only one working eye after all. His thoughts had been centered around possibly joining a pack, but somehow he felt that it would never be right. Painfully he growled a bit as he walked forward, hungry. The winter months were coming closer, and despite his large size his state of mind made it all the more harder to get food for himself. Let alone would he be able to be part of a pack when his distrust ran so deep. However, the sound of a howl so close to him, made him freeze. Raising his head he could see about fifteen feet away. A woman he hadn't seen in years, a woman who he had hurt so badly. He was in the wrong. Quelt's mind didn't process it at first, single eye searching over her as his muscles tensed so badly. Breathing become a little more rapid. Irune... Irune Armada.

She had been his first love in these lands, and he destroyed it by feelings of cold feet. Now what had he been faced with. His second mate vanished with his unborn children. His third.... bore two of his children then kidnapped him ravaged him and ruined him. Quelt felt his teeth clench, the scarred man taking a few more steps forward. A shrill whine leaving his throat, audible enough to notify the woman that he was here. She had grown into a fine young thing, and he half expected her to lash out on him. He begged for that though, any sense of pain reminded him he was painfully alive. He didn't even deserve the grip of death. He abandoned everything he loved, and then he got attached to the wrong wolves. He couldn't see what was right in front of him. When he was within word earshot, he stopped his legs shivering. All he could mutter was three words. "I'm so sorry."
