
Once more



8 Years
05-03-2016, 05:28 PM (This post was last modified: 05-03-2016, 05:29 PM by Abelinda.)

Of course the news upset her, how could it not? There was a lot that had happened, most she had been there for and other things she had not been. It was troubling, more so then Vereux may ever realize. Alas, letting go of her family ties was not easy and nor did the wraith believe she ever truly could, no matter how hard she tried. Ears flicking, did she take in what her nephew spilled forth and those eyes narrowed briefly. “Did you call for her at any point after that?” If anything, Abelinda would take a step and try to set things right, but alas she also knew Vereux may want her to let it go. Matters of the heart regardless how long it had been were not taken lightly nor easily forgotten.

“Likely not, but we will see what happens..” There was much for the wraith to decide upon and much more to learn. “Who all is ruling currently?” Well, he was being a source of information for her, to a point at the very least.

“Yes and no, nephew.” It was all she'd say on that matter, although Isar was gone, it did not mean his ways were meant to vanish with him. They were suppose to be the ones to up hold those ideals - to make his ways a reality. But it seemed despite that very fact, her family here had failed Isar in that respect. It was something that did not sit well with Abelinda, with her age there was little that could be done. However, it did not mean the next generation could not take that foot hold and bring the Armada name back to it's original glory that it once had been. A new path had to be forged, it would take some time and yet the serpentine women knew it was feasible. Simply, she needed to begin a new. To usher a new era of the Armada once more.