
I love the fog


06-13-2013, 06:19 PM

She had acknowledged his presence and so he would take that as her confirmation that she wanted to play. Her scent, lacking the scent of a woman in heat unfortunately, told him of her age and the fact that she did not belong to any of the packs that inhabited this land. That was very good information. No one would respond for her if she was suddenly found bruised and bloody. She did she have family? Friends? He frankly didn't care. She'd already accepted to play his game and now there was no chance of her backing out. He wouldn't let her.

So, she had finally spotted him had she, her smaller frame turning around to face, possibly trying to deflect an attack from the rear. Perhaps she was smarter than he'd given her credit for. He could hear the heavy sarcasm in her voice as she pretended that her intentions were merely innocent. Who had purely good intentions anymore. A low chuckle rumbled in his chest as she noted that their game was the same. He said nothing, merely lowering himself to the ground, cyan gaze intent on the older woman. Then without warning Demyan launched himself towards her, taking one, two bounds before he threw himself at her, jaws agape, forelimbs outstretched, ready to grab her and hold her down. It wasn't a full-fledged attack, just a little test to see how she would react. Was she really into the type of games he liked to play? He would find out.

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