
I condemn Thee[May]


06-13-2013, 06:25 PM
The woman could feel the skin on her shoulder tear. Imeidiatly she knew that the wound wasn't very deep but that his testy had torn some skin away. From a distance it would have looked like a scrape, but up close and personal she knew that the four places his canines had dug there was skin and fur still attatched but hanging. She didn't bother looking at it though as the damage was done and there was nothing she could to to undo it.

Two of her questions had been answered though. He was just as fast as he looked and just as she suspected he was a hit and run expert. Though fast he hadn't been fast enough to escape her jaws. Blood covered the tip of her snout and front teeth. The moment Tavros pulled away May's tongue went over her front teeth. The warmth and copery taste on her tongue was always the favorite part of any battle her second favorite was to hear the other begging and pleading for their life.

As the white fur on her left shoulder stained red icy blue eyes stayed trained on the male. Her head lowered to make it harder for Tavros to get at her throat as her ears lay flat against her head. She seemed to get closer to the ground as her legs moved her to the perfect angle for getting at the right side of the mans throat.

The moment she was in posistiin for her attack, May used all four of her powerful legs to launch her into him, giving her that surprising amount of speed. She opened her maw aiming her teeth at his throat. When and if her purchase was mares front paws would hit him in both sides of her jaws in hopes of forcing him to the ground.

Defense: lowed her head to make it harder to get to her throat ears lay against her head to make them harder targets Offense: she intends to get a deadly grip on his throat and hopefully force him to the ground. Injuries: punctures in left shoulder are now tears with small amounts of skin hanging from her.