
Little Bird



9 Years
05-04-2016, 10:27 PM

Xephyris steadied himself as he let the weak, sick little lady lean into him. She wobbled and struggled, but at last she was able to throw herself over him. Her bells jingled as she moved, and he had to chuckle slightly - he would have to inquire as to where she'd found them at a later time. If she survived treatment, that is. Bracing his muscles, he would slowly stand upright with her weight now upon his back. He was glad that he worked his muscles and endurance every day, otherwise he may have struggled to lift her. He turned his head just slightly to face her, as she laughed, even as she coughed, just to see her smile. Despite her condition, she somehow stayed in good spirits. What a funny woman; he liked her spunk. When she spoke, voice wheezing, a rumbling laugh escaped him. "Well, you're right about that," he responded, meeting her glazed eyes briefly - if she wasn't so sickly, she'd surely be stunning.

Now he turned to face forward, focusing on his pack mates instead. His attention moved to the healer, who advised him to scrub himself well after this. He grimaced, but nodded solemnly. Was it really that contagious? He was a strong male, surely he wouldn't get sick? Still, he would follow Armai's instruction and clean up after dropping off the strange woman - who finally was able to introduce herself as Jaelle - so that he wouldn't contract the disease or spread it to anyone else. He remained silent as Riv introduced himself and his pack mates, then gave the word to get moving. Xeph nodded, letting Armai lead the way to her den where the stranger would be cared for. He hoped after all this trouble that Jaelle would make a full recovery. What a shame it would be if the beauty died after all their efforts. When they finally arrived at the healer's den, Xephyris would crouch down again and allow the woman to get off. Now, the rest would be up to Armai, but he would stay close in case his help was needed again.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]