
Welcome to the Hotel California :]


06-15-2013, 03:24 PM
The pair walked along in silence, and it was welcomed by both, it seemed. Eria didn't mind that they were quiet. She figured that Pontifex still had his brother's recent departure on his mind. As she thought about her own past's events, she didn't notice the changes around them. The level of the tunnel's ground ascended, making a sharp forty-five degree angle increase. Her brows furrowed at the sudden change of the trail. Looking up from her thoughts, she saw the entrance that came closer with each step.
Eria glanced over to Pontifex before looking back to the new cavern. The ceiling rose up and up, high enough to where they couldn't see it. There wasn't as much darkness in the inside of the mountain as she had thought. Her eyes adjusted to the change of light and she slowly padded towards the middle of the new room. Located in the center was a huge area of water, its surface smooth as glass. It looked like nothing had come to drink from it in a long time, at least, that's what Eria observed.
"Look, Ponti! Water!" she excitedly said, causing her voice to bounce and echo around the cavern's walls. It startled her at first, but Eria recovered with a soft smile on her maw. The closer she got to the small pond, her hope dwindled. "Oh.." she said, "it's frozen." She knew this would probably happen, but the thought of drinking such cold water had made her think otherwise.