
It starts



3 Years
Extra large
05-05-2016, 05:22 AM
Doubt crept into her mind when he rose to his paws to face her; perhaps not entirely believing that she was indeed taking an interest in how he was settling into Myriad. Sometimes she surprised herself. She never imagined herself desiring to talk to him, especially a conversation of the civil kind. Yet here she was now, taking her position and new packmates seriously. Almost coincidently, he inquired about her new rank and what she thought of it. She offered a nonchalant shrug, trying to impose the impression that she was not at all stressed by the many responsibilities and obligations. "It's a big leap forward," she admitted, not wanting him to think she was incapable. She just had to...find her bearings. "But I now know how I can serve Myriad best." Woah, that was some mature language for her usual potty mouth. Had some of Rivaxorus' words rubbed off onto her?

His next inquiry made her ears perk in intrigue and chin tilt in curiosity. Had she misheard? Had he really asked about Myriad's heir? Well, if she recalled the ranks correctly, it was usually one of alpha's children selected for the heir position. And...oh. At the realisation, she flushed the darkest shade of scarlet, perhaps the same shade as her eyes. She looked away in embarrassment, feeling flustered with all the emotions that had unleashed upon her. Was he really asking about this? "When the season came"? Maybe she shouldn't have approached him in the first place. "Riv and I haven't...discussed this as of yet," she stammered nervously, shifting her feet awkwardly. Myriad didn't need a heir just yet, did it? Besides, this was all way over her head.