
Helplessly {Aw}


05-05-2016, 11:37 AM

That stupid sister! She was so... stupid! He growled as he kicked stones around on the volcano, having skittered down to a lower landing than the one that his family was on. He didn't want to be around right now, 'cause Ashe would probably try to sit on him or something. She was nice to everyone else but a great big bully to him. The young boy growled, looking up with an angry glare. He would get her back, she better sleep with her eyes open! He was gonna take a great big bite out of her tail and make it into a little stub. Maybe then she would stop bothering him. She kept calling him small, and he was not small. He was a great big warrior who was born from fire itself! That is what his mother told him, anyways. And he believed it, he was bigger and greater than all these lesser wolves because of that. His body showed the mark of fire and ashes, so it had to be true. Plus why would his dame lie to him anyways?

Huffing, Pheonix puffed out his chest and strutted around on the warm rocks, ignoring the little bits of rain that stuck to his coat. He was showing off to, well... no one. The imaginary wolves that would fall at his paws cause he was a great and mighty king! He would never be called short 'cause he would make Ashelynn carry him around on her back. That way he would be taller than everyone else! His lips pulled upwards in a great big smile, a small giggle leaving the pup as he continued to strut around.