
Helplessly {Aw}


05-06-2016, 12:19 AM

Her endless journey took her everywhere. But she usually liked to pass through the same lands she'd passed through before. Why? She wasn't too sure. Maybe to keep her trail scent from spreading too far. Yeah, that sounded like a reasonable thought in her head. The woman found herself in the east this time, a rabbit dangling from her jaws as she hiked it up the mountain. She heard from passersby that this particular mountain had fire at the top, and briefly she wondered what grilled rabbit would taste like.

She made it halfway up the mountain before her nose wrinkled in disgust. Was that sulfur? Yuck! Well, that might have ruined her appetite...oh well. She still wanted to check it out. It took a little longer then what she would have liked to get up there, but she was determined since she was already up here. When she reached her destination, the warmth up here was way different then down below. It was! She shook her pelt, silver eyes looking around until she saw something...peculiar. Was that a pup? He looked like it was born from fire! That wasn't possible, was it? She trotted closer, the rabbit dropping from her jaws. "Hey kid! Where ya from?"

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