
Helplessly {Aw}


05-06-2016, 10:00 PM

The boy noticed her, silver eyes watching as he seemed to study her. Bits of ash fell on her red coat, but the woman was oblivious to it as her attention was drawn to the boy. His single word response made her brow raise. Here? He was born here? His accent sounded...choppy. Kind of like her own, but hers was more exotic with the Japanese tongue. She watched him get up, slowly coming closer to her. Of course, she was too absorbed in the markings on his coat, and before she realized it, the boy had lunged forward and taken her rabbit.

"What the?!" In the blink of an eye, he was racing away with it. Her possessiveness flared, how dare he steal her food! She chased after him, but the little twerp had gotten a good head start during her shock. Ears flattened, the femme putting on a bit more speed to launch herself right on top of the brat. That is, until another foreign voice stopped her in her tracks. It was foreign, a language she didn't know. Silver gaze turned sharply upon the stranger. Pheonix? What? Was that the kids name? Her hackles bristled as she took a step towards the woman, irritation clear in her eyes. "Hey! I don't know what you said, but if that's your brat then you better teach him some manners or I will!" Okay, so she wasn't really going to hurt him. Maybe try and scare him into not messing with her again.
