
California Dreamin'


05-07-2016, 12:48 PM

He had never dreamed that he could feel this way about anyone, anything. He never dreamed that he would this was a possibility so dark and broken. As they laid there in the middle of the clearing with Mercy tucked tight against his chest he couldn't possibly imagine his life without her. Oh how much life could change in the blink of an eye. When she spoke a small smile touched his lips. Their feelings really did mirror each other. When she mentioned being scared by her own need to be with him he knew exactly what she meant. They had gone crash landing into this situation head first and he was still wondering if he was ever going to come up for air.

His brows raised when she pushed against him, seemingly shocked by his naming this feeling between them 'love'. For a moment he was worried he had crossed some boundary, if there was any left between them at this point, but his worries were eased when she told him that she felt whatever this was as well. His gaze met hers and another smile tugged at his lips as a similarly shuddering sigh left his mouth. He could take a bit of comfort knowing that whatever this feeling was, whether it was love or not, they both felt it and they both wanted each other just as badly. He never wanted this moment to end, he never wanted her to part from him. Just as that want, that need, crossed his mind he remembered the pack that he could still smell lingering on her fur. A pang of selfish disappointment hit him when he realized that he would have to let her go... if only breifly.

He chuckled softly after a moment, bringing his muzzle down to kiss the top of her head. "For someone named Mercy, you sure haven't given my emotions any mercy," he joked with a little bit of a smirk on his lips. After all of this turmoil that their emotions had been through he was sure the both of them could use a bit of a breather and maybe a laugh or two. He didn't want to think about the fact that she would have to go back to her pack soon. He didn't want to think about the fact that they'd have to part from each other, no matter how breifly. He just wanted to pretend that this moment would go on forever. Unfortunately, he couldn't have that no matter how hard he wished. "Can I escort you back to your pack? Whenever you decide to go back?"

"Talk" "You" Think