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05-07-2016, 05:10 PM

He would begin by giving his name, ears perking at the last name. A walker? Relative of Arian perhaps? Regardless of his relation, she would be more then happy to accept him. Albeit the lack of his emotions made it hard to determine where his loyalties would lie in the future. Wasn't he among sins own at one time? She would have to keep an eye on him, but first perhaps test his mind. "I'm Avalon Ancora, a pleasure Liar Walker."

Before she could comment on his former kingship, a familiar form came to stand beside him. A brow rose as Abelinda voiced that she too wished to join. That was odd...she hadn't seemed to want to join during her first trip here. But as she watched the closeness of the pair, she assumed that they were perhaps mates. She dipped her head to Abelinda, amber gaze looking between the two. "While you won't be a king here, you'll still be a valuable member among us. But first..."

She stood tall, her gaze strong as her voice followed suit. "Will you two promise to give your loyalty? I don't know your past, liar. But abelinda I know you are an Armada, and the reputation of that name has brought wariness to these lands." She knew their history very well, but she would give the woman the benefit of the doubt. "I will not risk someone turning and putting the pack at risk. We're a pack of unity, and any who come among us will be treated like family. Those who turn against us will find themselves in a position they don't want to be in. So, do I have your word?" She eyed both of them, watching them carefully.
"Talk" "You" Think


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