
The Shelby Match Maker



9 Years
Athena I
05-08-2016, 10:23 PM
Hi, I'm Shelby, and I'm addicted to all the romance plots. (Hi, Shelby)

So basically I have a ton of chars that have nothing going on at the moment and my favorite kind of plots are of the romantic kind cause I live for the feels. That being said! I don't really like "love at first sight" plots usually. I like to thread them a bit or have it work out organically. Not saying that weird things don't happen (cough, Merthin, cough), but I'm really more looking for anyone that might want to thread with these guys and gals and maybe something will come of it??? If nothing else maybe they'll be besties! Or enemies! Whateves, relationships of all kinds all around.

Enough of that! Match maker contestants, come on down!
Their names link to their profile just in case you'd like to take a closer look~

Báine Adravendi
"Hey there, I'm Báine! I'm two years old. I'm not really sure what I'm looking for yet! I'm still figuring it out!"
Báine lives in Celestial. She will talk your ears off if given the chance and is a two year old with the energy of a pup. She loves languages and meeting new wolves.

Galahad Ancora
"Hello! I'm Galahad! I'm five years old and I'm looking for a woman."
Galahad will be living in Ivalice soon. He's a hard working, loyal guy that's energetic to boot. He gets down on himself sometimes, but he only takes that as a reason to work harder!

Kalliope Arevalo
"I'm Kalliope, but you can call me Kalli. I'm five years old. I swing either way, doesn't really matter to me."
Kalliope doesn't currently live in a pack, she tends to wander all over the place. She is blind, but she doesn't let that stop her. In fact, she's easily offended if she thinks someone is trying to baby her because of her disability. She's an independant, sassy soul that's been through some hard times the last couple of years. She doesn't want to be lonely, but has had a hard time figuring out what she wants to do with her life.

Liviana Lupei
"Hello there. I'm Livi. I'm two years old and I prefer men."
Liviana is currently a wandering soul, but I won't be surprised if she tried to find a pack to join soon. A word of caution, she comes from a family that takes marriages very, very seriously. (Feel free to read her history if you want the full story!) So if you wanna try to get into a long term relationship with this girl you better believe she's going to be in it for life. Now if you wanna play around a bit that's a different story. She's a little dark and twisted, but in the most elegant, confident way.

Oria Gøran
"Hello, I'm Oria. I'm currently four years of age. I do prefer men, but I'm not against experimenting."
Oria is also currently a loner, but a good candidate to join a pack if one that suits her fancy pops up. She's deeply intellectual and that can make it hard for her to relate to others at times. However, she is very kind and loyal. She is a healer and nothing excites her more than learning something new.

Solaris Elementas
It's nice to meet you, I'm Solaris. I'm four years old currently. I'm not sure which gender I prefer just yet."
Solaris is in a bit of a tough spot right now because family is everything to him and most of his family recently disappeared, including his twin sister who he loves very deeply. Because of that he could really use someone to cheer him up and give him a new focus. He doesn't live in a pack at the moment and probably won't for a while unless he has a good reason to.

Zuriel Adravendi
"Hi, I'm Zuriel. I'm a female looking for a male."
Zuriel lives in Celestial and is a very dedicated healer. She's not the most social of wolves usually, but she's very polite and can be very playful if you get to know her. She needs someone who will support her healing obsession, but be willing to make her put down the herbs from time to time and have some fun!

That's it for now! I may add or take off some peeps as plots come up and such. Leave me a reply or Skype me or PM me or catch me in the cbox if you have ideas for me <3