
Looking for the answers in the pouring rain



10 Years
Athena I
05-08-2016, 10:50 PM

A smile returned to her lips as her brother explained that he did indeed live in the moor and that she was welcome to visit whenever she liked. That eased her worries a bit. It wasn't quite the same, but it was better. However, as he continued and described his reasoning for not living in the pack with her and their family that frown began to tug at her lips again. His reasons made sense. She supposed that's what she hated about it. There was no way to tell him that he was wrong or point out reasons why it'd be better if he lived with them. She wondered briefly if there was more that he wasn't telling her, but she liked to believe that her brother would be honest with her. "Well... I'm glad you're helping people," she replied reluctantly after a moment of silence. She forced a smile back onto her muzzle, biting back the disappointment that hit her. She really hadn't expected to magically get her litter mate to come live in Celestial with her, but it was hard to see the reality of it right in front of her.

"I don't think I'm very good at being in a pack," she added after a moment, her ears flicking back against her skull. "I've been trying really hard and mother said I could be an emissary so I've been training with Creed, but he's been so busy that we haven't really gotten to do much so I haven't gotten to have a real job yet... And we did training spars and mother paired me with Creed and I was really excited because I thought he was my friend and it would be fun, but he didn't want to fight me and I don't know why." She sighed softly, frowning at the words that kept tumbling off her tongue as her pink gaze drifted to the ground. She didn't even know if Tor would even care about her pack related problems, but she still considered him to be her confidant and best friend whether they lived together or not.

"Talk" "You" Think