
Nothing here is set in stone



9 Years
05-08-2016, 10:52 PM

Days had passed; he wasn't sure how many, as he'd spent most of his time resting, quarantined from the rest of the pack. He'd never been required to lay still for so long in his life. I think I'd rather die from this plague, he thought to himself miserably. When would he be allowed to rejoin in the pack's regular activities and duties? When would he get to end this insufferable feeling that he was just withering away? He flopped onto his side with an irritable huff. Maybe he was just being dramatic. Things would be back to normal in no time. But I'm not sick, he insisted to himself, I shouldn't have to stay here anymore! His thoughts resembled those of a cooped up child, pouting at being confined to a den.

Grumbling, he decided he would get up. He'd leave this dingy den, and there was nothing anyone could do about it. Creeping to the den's entrance, he'd peek outside, wondering if Armai was anywhere close. It didn't seem like it, so at least he wouldn't be spotted. He wouldn't have to explain himself. Well, maybe later when someone noticed, but not now. He pulled himself out of the stuffy den and into the fresh air. It was cool, and somewhat damp outside, but the rain had subsided for now. Sighing with relief, he padded away from the den he'd been held up in, no idea where he was going, but glad to escape the confines of quarantine. He knew he shouldn't mingle with the rest of the pack - truly, he did not wish to spread illness if it clung to him in any way. He hadn't fallen ill, but that didn't mean he wasn't carrying disease. He would have liked to seek out his sweet Soleil, but if it would make her sick, then it would have to wait.

It was then that he wondered about the lovely lady he had carried to the healer's den. He hadn't had a chance to go see her; he'd heard from Armai that she was recovering and doing well, but suddenly he wanted to see for himself. After all, she was a pretty face, and there were things about her that he wanted to know. Like those bells. Where on earth had she found them? Of course, that wasn't all he wanted to know... but he'd have to find out in person if he wanted to know more about her. So, carefully and casually, he would waltz over to the den she was staying in, scenting for any healers or guards present; perfect, there were none. Time had passed, and security wasn't as tight now.

Xephyris crept toward the den's entrance and peered inside. It actually looked quite spacious, and the daylight shone in nicely. Jaelle must have been resting deeper inside. But, maybe she'd be willing to part with a nap and chat with him. She must have been just as bored as he was, after all. "How's our patient doing?" he'd call out into the den, his voice a rumbling baritone echoing down into the darkness. Smirking, he'd wait to see if the woman would rouse and come forth, hoping that she would.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]