
Animal [Open]


02-17-2013, 02:26 PM

Banshee was nothing. A hollow shell, empty, cracked, and disfigured. A walking corpse, a living nightmare, she had no redeemable qualities, no redemption could be brought upon her. She was a soulless monstrosity and she always would be. Empty eyes of blinding white were the only color that remained upon her visage. her heart had become a black hole, not only snuffing out the light from the star it once was, but sucking down all good and true things with it until nothing remained of her soul except tattered shreds that did little more than flutter in the breeze. Insanity was beyond her. Her mind was clear, analytical, she was not crazy, she just hated most everything she came across. This she wolf before her. She meant nothing. She was naught but an empty sack of organs and meat. If Banshee were a bit more hungry there would be nothing left of her.

Wraith's voice was a wicked high soprano, the damage to his vocals and been astronomical making his speech erratic and shriek-like. Banshee's ears had grown accustomed to the wicked tones. They no longer irritated her sensitive ear drums but such was not the case for this new comer, and she could the slight winces, the slight bouts of discomfort upon her face as he spoke. Wraith was uncharacteristically bold for his species, probably because he depended on her to protect him. He often spoke for her, since rarely were her vocal cords used, but she did not seem to care too terribly much. She was a demon and Wraith was naught but her puppet, he knew better than to irritate her though. She would kill him if he offered her a good reason and he knew that.

"I know of a great many things." Wraith cooed as though he was speaking to a pup. "Most of which I find asinine and an utter waste of my time! But knowing the pack Alphas... it's always a leg up on not being hunted down and killed. The volcano? Well if she is still standing than quite obviously we survived it. Are you daft? And I thought we were crazy!" Bursting into a second set of cackles, he fell to his back, clutching his heaving stomach and rolling down her neck. Banshee's ears careened backwards, lying flat against her skull. The only movement she had made but it was enough to silence the rat. She was growing agitated. Time for play was over.
