
The Kill



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
05-09-2016, 03:37 PM

His body would shift towards her left it seemed, her right shoulder missing but her left shoulder would appear to hit a mark on the lower part of his chest. A mild bruise would spread later, but the pain made upon connecting with his body would be ignored as adrenaline coursed through her. And while it appeared that her attempt to hook his leg failed, her teeth would connect where she hadn't expected. She tasted blood on her tongue as jaws made contact with his right cheek. Immediately after, she would ground the paw that had tried to hook his own, weight returning to all four limbs as she made sure her defenses were still intact.

Hackles were raised, ears pinned to her head, her eyes narrowed on him, watching his movements. Her teeth bared, skin around her muzzle and face wrinkling to help protect her eyes. Her shoulders rolled forward to protect the sides of her neck, chin tucked over her throat, weight became evenly distributed across all her legs, head pulling back slightly as her scruff rolled forward to give her more protection. Claws bit the dirt for traction, toes spread and tail flagged for balance as her head and spine aligned.

She hissed as Riv's paw slam connected, moderate bruising surely would make the toes on her left paw sore. His attempt at trying to unbalance her would fail as his paw on top of hers kept her grounded, but the moment he sought to gain leverage over her, she took the opportunity. As riv rose on his hind legs, she would immediately lift herself as well. Hind limbs coiled to spring her forward, forelegs reaching out in an attempt to hook around each of his elbows; her left forepaw attempted to grasp behind his right elbow and right forepaw attempted to grasp behind his left elbow.

Weight distributing on her hind legs now as she reared, she would strive to shove her right shoulder into the right side of Riv's rib cage. His bite would land just above her right shoulder, pain ignored as the pair battled it out. Moderate puncture wounds would be the result, with bleeding to accompany it. With his mouth full and in the awkward position they were in, her head angled slightly towards her left as jaws sought the young males throat. Lower jaw would seek to clamp down on over his windpipe, and upper jaw sought the tender part just an inch or two to the right of it. She wanted him to back down off of her, to release the close proximity they had. But she wouldn't be the one to back down first, not yet anyway.

~Fight Stats~

Avalon versus Rivaxorous II for spar

Round: 2/2


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