
i am teaching myself how to be free



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
05-09-2016, 06:35 PM (This post was last modified: 07-31-2016, 04:59 PM by Tealah.)
Ásvor knew that trespassing onto another pack's homelands was not a good thing. It could get them in a lot of trouble, just like if someone came into their home. She knew that her mom wouldn't be okay with that, and she certainly wouldn't be okay with her kids going somewhere they weren't supposed to be either.

So.. she wouldn't trespass. But Ásvor was more than okay with pushing her limits. She had convinced Runa and Naudir to come along with her. It was a lot less scary to leave home when they were all together, she decided. Maybe they could have an adventure like the ones that their mother told them about from the stories of the gods. She nearly giggled at the possibility!

She knew there was a pack nearby, but she didn't know anything about that. Yfir tended to keep to themselves. Ásvor would continue through the pine trees until she caught whiff of their scent markers. It was a very obvious smell and she'd turn to eye her sisters. Perhaps Runa might have some vision that would help them decide what to do.. she knew her mind was not always in this world, but in another, perhaps up in the clouds with the gods and goddesses.  "I wonder who lives here," the girl would muse thoughtfully, sighing in slight frustration, wishing she could somehow sneak in.. but she knew the consequences would be dire and so she would wait on the other side of the border, peering through the tall pines curiously.