
Dragon's Hoard



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
05-12-2016, 05:16 AM
General plot thread for all my chars, I have alot I know. More coming though! ;D will be updated as characters are added to my collection mwahaha!

Avalon Ancora
||Alphess of Ivalice||6yrs||potentially taken||Straight||Neutral Good
Avalon is my main character, she's sweet and kind but won't take well to others trying to walk all over her. She's strong at heart with a determined mind, always looking for a relaxing time anywhere, and loves to explore and conversate. Those she makes friends with should know that she'll have their back no matter what!

Looking for :
-Sparring partners
-Someone to adopt? (She loves kids)
-new pack members (totally not biased)
-drama *cough*
Not looking for :
-force mating
-love interests

Arvandor Belthil
||Loner||4yrs||Single as a Pringle||Straight||Lawful Good
Arvandor is a 45" hunk of handsome. He's far from a bad boy, however, preferring to be known as a gentle giant. He hasn't had any luck in finding love, or very many friends. He's very protective of others, kind, empathetic, and sweet. He often goes out of his way to help others, and won't ever turn a blind eye to wrongdoing. Justice is best served on a warm platter, and the male is capable of fighting as well as healing. He's referred to as the Guardian type, and will always be there to support those in need. Once he's given his heart out, he'll never betray you.

Looking for :
-love interests
-sparring partners
-healing lessons
-a pack

Not looking for :
-one night stands

Ashelia Adravendi
||Fiori||4yrs||Single||Straight||Lawful Good
Ashe has always been a complicated one. She's wildly childish, enthusiastic and loves to play. Despite her age, she acts alot like a pup and far from an adult. She was force mated by Sin, which resulted in a pup that she doesn't want. The girl is afraid of males that are not family, but once she gets comfortable with you then she won't leave you alone!

Looking for:
-love interests?
-Someone to teach her how to grow up
-play pals
-navigation partners
-someone to teach her about herbs
-all the friends!
-I'm mean to her, so anything else you have in mind ;D

||Abaven||5yrs||Single||Straight||True Neutral
Dart is the only fox on site, and the poor boy has had no luck in anything but his home life. He's a very outgoing individual who likes to joke and play, but can be serious when required. He's sweet and kind, helpful and likes talking to others. He hopes to find a mate and have kids of his own someday, but for now he's just crushing on Finch.

Looking for :
-navigation partners
-hunting partners
-a kid to adopt
-love interests (a mate preferred. And I will pay for a fox pass, I'm desperate D;)

Domino Dragomir
||Loner||2yrs||single||Unknown gender preference||chaotic neutral
With the diamachi clan disappearing after the disbanding of Argead, Dragomir has felt lost in life. The young male hopes to find some sort of purpose among other things. He's still trying to find himself, so all threads are welcome for this handsome boy!

looking for:
-a pack
-love interests
-everything basically

Dragon Ancora
||Ivalice||1yr||Single||Straight||Lawful Good
Dragon is s young male full of curiosity. He loves meeting others and making friends. He's very inquisitive and may talk your ear off given the chance. Optimistic and always looking to do good deeds and better himself, he's quite the catch when he's not talking your ear off.

Looking for:
-love interests
-Sparring partners
-everything else

Enigma Hellstrom
||Loner||3yrs||Single||Bisexual||Chaotic evil
Enigma is a strange male, he's dominant and likes to take charge. Since his father's death he's hell bent on revenge and will do what it takes to avenge his father. Currently taking care of his blind sibling, the male seeks a place to call home. He's a jerk most of the time, but a hidden sweet side lies beneath his rough exterior.

Looking for :
-sparring partners
-love interests? (He's castrated so don't expect pups from him)
-everything else

Hansel Grimm
||Abaven||9yrs||Single||Straight||Chaotic good
Hansel is a male struggling with his past. He's closed himself off to most, making it hard to get friends. He's rough with words sometimes, but he is capable of being sweet and caring to those he let's in.

Looking for :
-navigation partners
-sparring partners
-love interests
-anything else

Holly Adravendi
||Loner||1yr||Single||Straight||True Neutral
Holly is having a hard time finding herself after the mental breakdown and death of her mother. She's distanced herself from her siblings, the anger festering more after feeling like her father and siblings abandoned her. She's desperately trying to find her usual calm and caring self, but for now she sees the world as an enemy.

Looking for:

Kakashi Arrow
||Abaven||7yrs||Single||Straight||Chaotic neutral
Kakashi is a mystery to some, often referred to as a teacher as he often gives advice to help others. He's often seen as lazy too, doing things at his own pace but usually it's only when there's a meeting to be had. He can be a bit childish, but when there's work to be done, he doesn't play around. Also suffers from night terrors due to ptsd.

Looking for :

Kasai Hoseki
||Loner||3yrs||Single||Bisexual||Chaotic good
Kasai is foreign, the woman preferring her native Japanese tongue but speaks English as it is the common tongue. She's a hot headed ball of fire that takes crap from nobody. She's often getting into tons of rivalries, and always enjoys a challenge.

Looking for:

Kofi Nahaje Sarkodie-Mensah
||Loner||1yr||Single||Straight||Chaotic neutral
Kofi is a young cheetah that is new to the lands. He's a selfish individual, only doing things that will benefit him. He's a smooth talker, a gypsy at heart and will do what he needs in order to survive.  He will lie and cheat to get what he wants, and isn't opposed to using lies and trickery to get what he desires.

Looking for:

Leon Adravendi
||Fiori||10yrs||Single||Straight||Neutral Good
Father of Ashelia Adravendi, Leon has seen it all. Nothing surprises him anymore, and at his old age, he's not opposed to sharing stories or his wisdom. Leon is a kind and patient male, always looking to teach what he knows so that the next generation might make good use of his knowledge.

Looking for:
-unsure if he's looking for a relationship but I'm not opposed to the idea.
-anything else

Luciana Morticia Acerbi
||Loner||2yrs||Single||Bisexual||Lawful Evil
This woman is as dark as they come. Preferring to work as a hired Mercenary, she's the one to get a job done. She's a cold and calculating woman, often going to great lengths to get what she desires. With the disappearance of the Mafioso, she's a self serving woman who isn't afraid to get her paws dirty. She's incapable of remorse, not a shred of kindness in her black heart. She's also not one to keep one mate, a polygamous in life, she will bear as many children as possible to corrupt and raise to use as an "army" to try and corrupt the world.

Looking for:
-kids to corrupt
-targets to snuff
-everything else evil

Mako Savvill
||Loner||1yr||Single||Unknown||True Neutral
Mako is not a brave wolf, at all. Born the last child of Nalyda and Kar, he's grown up alone most of his life. He's antisocial and keeps to himself alot, afraid to venture out into the world. He's extremely naive, so it may be easy to sway him into doing anything. He finds it difficult to fit in anywhere, (not that he's tried) his lack of survival skills barely keeping him alive.

Looking for:

Nixie Agatsuma
||Myriad||1yr||Single||Unknown||True Neutral
Nixie is as small as they come, but don't let her size fool you. She's an extremely energetic girl, always wanting to play and knows no boundaries. She loves making friends and won't ever turn down the Opportunity to meet someone new.

Looking for:

Obscuro Hellstrom
||Loner||1yr||Single||Unknown||True Neutral
Blind and unable to care for himself just yet, obscuro has been depending on his brother Enigma for everything. He's a sweet boy looking for a place in the world, and doesn't want to keep feeling like a burden to his older brother. The young male is friendly, his families dark tendencies not having rubbed off on him.

Looking for:
-someone to teach him how to survive
-love interests
-Everything else

Quake Rivers
||Abaven||1yr||Single||Straight||True Neutral
Quake is a confused and shy girl. Abandoned by her family, she's adopted the thought that nobody wants her despite her packs efforts. She's a very kind and soft spoken sweetheart, always going out of her way to try and help others feel better despite her own depression and lack of confidence. She's very friendly once she gets past her shyness, but confidence is something she sorely lacks. Due to this, she has developed a stutter that only affects her when she's anything but happy. She currently trains under her uncle Kakashi in abaven.

Looking for:
-anything but bad stuff I:

Rincavornon Armada
||Loner||5yrs||Single||Straight||True Neutral
Dealing with depression and abandonment issues, rin strongly believes that his family hates him along with the rest of the world. He's a gentleman at heart, and willing to give everything to those he gets close to. Rin wears his heart on his sleeve, wanting to trust so badly, that he is willing to go to great lengths to get the trust and love he desires most.

looking for :

Shiki Avion Kedieo
||Loner||3yrs||Single||Bisexual||True Neutral
Shiki is a shy boy who feels lost. Since the death of his father and the disappearance of his mother, he's been on his own for a long time. Classified as the submissive type, he has no desire to lead, only follow. He will often depend on others to take care of him since he never really learned how to growing up. He's a hopeless romantic, seeking to serve the one who calls him theirs, and will do anything to make them happy.

Looking for:

Silva Hellstrom
||Loner||1yr||Single||Unknown||Chaotic neutral
With the loss of her father's pack, followed by the death of her father and then the disbanding of Donostrea and disappearance of Glacier, Silva has been through alot in her young life. She doesn't know who she wants to be, or what to do which leaves alot of room for her to go to either side of the spectrum.

Looking for :

Valefor Adravendi
||Fiori||pup||Single||Unknown||True Neutral
Born the bastard child of Ashelia Adravendi, Valefor has been pushed away by his mother since he was born. This has led him to be confused, left to wonder why his mother hates him so much. He's beginning to grow indifferent to the world around him, and is rather serious in nature.

Looking for:

Valentina Sol Azarola
||Loner||Single||Demi romantic androphile||True Neutral
Outcast from her pack because of the gender that she chose, this woman is a girl trapped in a man's body. She can be witty and rude, but kind to those who earned her friendship. She's also a huge drama queen and takes not shit from anyone thanks to her underlying temper.

Looking for:

Zell Valentine
||Abaven||4 yrs||Single||Bisexual||True Neutral
Zell is a cynical man dealing with major anger issues after the loss of his family. He resides in abaven, and always seems to be picking fights with those around him. He finds it difficult to fit in and make friends, but beneath his rude exterior, he's a truly loyal and caring man.

Looking for :


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!