
i promise that you'll never be lonely



10 Years
05-10-2016, 11:15 AM
The question of how she might communicate with this stranger from so far away eventually entered her mind after a good while of simply staring across the water at the tusked creature. She wasn't certain what the man might be thinking once he looked at her but she determined he did not appear to have an aggressive posture as he rose to his paws and called a greeting in a deep baritone that sort of slid across the water to her pricked ears. Her tail wagged slightly of it's own accord, betraying the desire she had to socialize, a desire she had previously been unaware of but now that she noticed it the feeling could not be ignored. Caelum was no solitary creature, even if her current habits seemed to suggest otherwise.

The river seemed to move in a slow, lazy manner which meant she could swim across, but still she couldn't decide if she really wanted to get wet today. Looking across the water she tried to decide if she could speak loud enough to be heard and was unable to come to a conclusion. She began pacing the banks of the river, paws sinking a bit in the mucky ground, while she tried to convince herself to make a move one way or the other.

The deciding factor in her decision on whether she should go to meet this strange man or simply leave was surprisingly nothing more than a memory. The old Caelum would have already been swimming, heaving herself onto shore in search of someone new to talk to and possibly befriend. She wouldn't have hesitated, would have greeted them in a bright and welcoming voice. In a desperate bid to get that version of herself she suddenly hurdled into the water, paddling her way to the opposite side, blue eyes filled with determination.