



5 Years
05-10-2016, 03:06 PM
The second he saw his father he had wanted to run. The instinct, while not new, was certainly not usually directed at his father. He missed him, the desire to do anything to make his father proud still drove him. But it seemed ever step he took, every month he was disappointing Bass further and further. He swallowed against the anxiety risen in his throat, eyes wide as his father and alpha stopped before him. He dipped his head slowly out of respect, his breath caught his in lungs as he waited.

And he didn't have to wait long. It was instantaneous, the questioning, the guilt he felt, the horrible anxiety and thoughts. He listened to what his father said, but his gaze fell to the ground beneath his feet. Shoulders rolled slowly in defense as he almost shrunk in on himself. This was a man Starling felt he could never please, because he was just never enough. He constantly made mistakes, stayed out too long. And here his father was telling him he better get it all together or he should leave. And for a moment, he was tempted. But his family was his life, everything he did was for them, even if everything he did was mistake after another. Slowly he lifted his gaze back up to his father, the anger, the self loathing, the anguish and the depression swam in large blue oceans as he stared at him. "M-most of the time...I leave to s-seek more kn-knowledge. T-to get l-lessons from w-wolves wh-who know th-things that o-our healers d-do n-not. I hunt h-herbs fa-far and w-wide so w-we have access t-to medicine we w-wouldn't otherwise." He said softly. He doubted anyone in Ardent had a map of herb locations as detailed as Starling's. "T-travel i-is l-long...and d-difficult. But I n-never intend n-not to return..." He whispered, his voice cracking in his lungs. His father had assumed Starling was abandoning the pack? Wandering off like their mother? Sure...he may take much longer than necessary to come home, he may spend too much time with Cathaoir or those he found to teach or to be taught. "But.." He whispered then, looking at the grass beneath his feet once more. "You're right..." He whispered in the smallest of voices. "Forse dovrei lasciare, sono stato inutile Abaven...non importa quanto ci provo. Non riesco a vedere me essere qualsiasi uso...non piĆ¹." He nearly breathed, the words lacking much sound as the truth of it pierced through his heart. "Non posso renderti orgoglioso..."

"Burn Baby Burn" || "Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"