
Somebody catch my breath



11 Years
05-10-2016, 09:11 PM

Tine was what Castiel decided he needed. With his new nieces and nephew born into the world the man actually felt at a loss. He had not been there to watch the older two litters grow. Had felt almost like a stranger to his own family at times, sad as that was. He knew Surreal was his sister, but he felt like so many of the faces of Celestial were strangers. Kin... Yet... Castiel sighed. When had things come to be this way? He didn’t know what to make of it anymore. He knew it would need to try to right this feeling eventually, but first a quick trip out of Celestial to ease his mind was needed. This time though, he vowed, he would be returning home.

Castiel was on guard, traveling towards the familiar Druid’s Moor. It had been so long since he set foot in the territory... Much of Boreas felt strange to him now. Cas was sure these feelings of uncertainty, of unease, would pass with time.

At least, he thought, the mists were comforting as he pressed along the territory. They had a calming effect over the white male, and he found his ears perked forward, becoming more at ease the farther he traveled from his pack. Celestial’s scent still clung to him clear as day, however. He saw no reason to hide who he was. The brute paused however, catching a faint scent among the herbs and mist. So faint he thought his mind was playing tricks on him at first; who could catch a good scent in such a place? Still Castiel was curious.

Sure enough, as he neared the stones, he made out a form among the mist. At first Castiel was ready to pass her off as an illusion, a figment of his mind. But as he got closer he saw her form seem to take more solid shape and fascinated Castiel approached. His ears remained perked, golden eyes shining with a slight curiosity as he called to the female.

“The stones are strange, are they not?”


Castiel's current avatar is by Caltics on DeviantArt.