
New Legacy of Armada



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
05-10-2016, 10:38 PM (This post was last modified: 05-24-2016, 09:46 PM by Avalon.)
Name: Greed Armada

Design: Design #2

Appearance: The male is a contender in the arena of Sinful seduction and a barbarian in the art of fighting. The blackest of blacks coats his frame. No matter the time of day or night, it seems as if the black of his pelt reflects no light and seamlessly blends into the shadows around him. The only thing that separates the dark matter is the white that burns itself upon his left leg, rising up until it comes to a stop at his shoulder.

Personality: True to his namesake, this man is the embodiment of one of the seven Sins. He's got an ego and an ambition that's hard to quench, his thirst for power inherited from the Armada line. Greed is a man who knows what he wants, and will do anything to get it. He's not above lying, cheating, and stealing to satiate his need for power and to get what he desires. Equivalent to a slithering snake, Greed is capable of spewing venomous lies, telling others what they wish to hear to lure them into his clutches.

Although he is quite the deceiver, Greed is fiercely loyal to his family and will do anything for them. He's not above giving his life for them, doing anything he can to ensure they stay at the top of the food chain where they belong. He is, however, quick to anger when things don't go his way, often resorting to violence or force to prove he is top dog.

While he'll quell his tongue around family, he'll not hold back around strangers. Despite this, however, the male will almost always try to charm his way into your heart, getting you to believe what he says is true. Once he achieves this, he will do nothing more then use you for his own greedy needs. You are his pet at this point, and those who try to turn against him will come to find their worst nightmare.

There is one quirk about the avaricious man, however. He does hold a slight bit of remorse for those he considers his. Greed is prone to taking several lovers, those of which he finds beautiful, belong to him willingly or not. He is protective of those he considers his property, both his slaves and his lovers. Should anyone threaten his property, he will fight full throttle to teach the enemy a lesson.

He dreams of having his own pack someday, full of beautiful women and devoted followers. He wants a harem that he can control, a pack to rule and his name to be whispered on the wind. He truly is the embodiment of his sin.

Why do you wish to play this pup: because I've always wanted an Abel pup xD and I think it would be interesting to see how he'll grow up with liar and abel.
Plot ideas?: I dunno what he'll do as a pup, but when he gets older then probably start collecting slaves and women to build up his harem, and eventually createa pack.
Rp sample:
Rp Sample Link


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