
The record won't stop skipping

Bright Moon


6 Years
05-11-2016, 01:12 AM
With her head still tilted downward, her ears folded back as he stated he was not royalty, didn't need any special treatment. She couldn't help her initial reaction to discovering that he was the leader of a pack - it was how she'd been raised, to respect those with authority. But as he leaned in to tip her head back up, she tried to meet his gaze, realizing that perhaps he was just as normal as she was. He didn't seem to want to be treated differently right now, and she should have known by the way he'd made his entrance. Feeling more at ease, she listened and nodded as he declared his position as Abaven's alpha, then offered his name. Oh, that pack! Weren't they neighbours to Fiori? Boy, she sure didn't get out much - not enough to even know the scent of the large pack that shared the eastern lands as Fiori did.

"It's very nice to meet you Bass," she responded in a soft tone to the self-assured man. He was kind as well, from what she'd seen. First impressions were everything, and he certainly seemed to have a good heart. It was relieving, for she'd met too much evil in this world - sometimes she could only dream to be reminded that there were still good souls out there. That darkness was always balanced with light. She had become too wrapped up in her impression of him to remember to introduce herself. Why had her proper etiquette escaped her for the moment?

A light smile touched her lips as he agreed to help her find some of her plants, even though he seemed to yawn in disinterest. Still, he had asked what it looked like, and seemed willing to help her for now. "Thank you, I would like that," she said sincerely with an unconscious dip of her head as she turned to find the path she'd come from. As he asked her what the plant looked like, she'd have to pause, tilting her head and pulling her brows together thoughtfully. How did she describe it? "Well, it's a leafy stalk, somewhat, with some withered flowers clinging to it," she murmured, "It's very green still, so it should be easy to spot in this forest." She wondered if he would know what she meant, or if he knew anything about plants. Judging by his expression, it wasn't the most interesting topic for him.

Then as he seemed to notice her scent, he would ask if she was a healer from Fiori. She blushed slightly - here she was, out picking herbs, acting like she knew what she was talking about and she wasn't even a proper healer! How could she admit to that? Well, she certainly wasn't going to lie to him, and she wasn't interested in stretching the truth. "Actually, I'm just a hunter," she finally admitted, as though the rank were any lesser than a healer - perhaps it was only because she bore it, and her opinion of herself was not so high, "Well, I suppose to be exact, I'm the lead hunter. I've always enjoyed hunting. But I'm also interested in healing, and I'm trying to learn even though I might be a little too old for that... Oh, my name, I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Bright Moon, and yes, I am from Fiori." Feeling flustered, she wasn't sure why she was being so clumsy right now - normally she could hold herself together, speak appropriately, and not make so many mistakes.
[Image: zeB2pXm.png]