
Your sins into me

Bright Moon


6 Years
05-11-2016, 01:30 AM
Everything was going according to plan, and Quelt was turning out to be a wonderful hunting partner. He cooperated without hesitation, setting things into motion. As Bright waited for him to move and get the herd running, she positioned herself in the right place. She had to make sure this was a success. Her tail flicked out to align with her spine, paws shifting to an equal distance apart so that she was well balanced. Her silver body became streamlined, with her head lowering just below the level of her shoulders, ears pressing back to reduce any friction with the air when she would sprint into action.

When she saw the herd beginning to flee, she knew that Quelt had startled them at just the right moment. The healthy animals fled at an impressive speed, while just a few were left behind. Among them was the doe that she had decided would be their target. It wasn't doing well, and would be culled from the herd, removing weakness from the rest. With expert timing of her own, Bright Moon would burst forth swiftly on long, lean legs built for speed.

Each stride moved her closer to the sickly doe, whose step faltered just enough for the silver fox-colored woman to close the distance. With one mighty leap, jaws parted wide, she was able to snag the doe by its flank, the soft web of flesh right in front of its hind leg. Her teeth punctured the skin, and as the animal flailed, the skin tore. She let go of her hold and danced out of reach as the deer began to kick out with sharp hooves. They would just have to tire out the sickly doe until it had no fight left in it, and that wouldn't be much longer.
[Image: zeB2pXm.png]