
What A Nuisance


05-11-2016, 03:36 PM
Maria listened to Shadow as he spoke, her ears remaining lowered. Facing her fears... She had to face her fears and not just run away. She had started with the first step... But there was more to do than just that. She didn’t want to let down the ones she cared for... Not that she had anyone left right now. That thought brought a pang to the femme’s heart. She didn’t have anyone... And so perhaps that was why she was clinging so desperately to the first stranger to show her any sort of kindness. No, there was more than that. Shadow hadn’t wanted her around at first... So why?

Loneliness. It was the only answer Maria could come up with. She would pause, knowing that they had yet to get the herbs she needed to finish treating his wounds. But it seemed Shadow was ready to be on his way. Maria whined softly once more, speaking up though she wasn’t sure how she’d be received.

“Please wait.” She stepped up beside him again before glancing at the corpse. “...I know he wanted to do something bad but... Should we not bury him?” Her words were soft. “It seems cruel to just abandon his body in the open like this.”