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05-11-2016, 05:38 PM

Liar's question brought a single brow to rise just slightly. She supposed it wasn't an odd question, and if these two planned on having pups then who was she to turn them away? The pack was still small, they had plenty of room if that was indeed their plan. "As long as you let me know ahead of time to make sure there is room for new lives. That's all I ask, I won't stop anyone from having a family as long as the pack can support them." She smiled a bit, the thought of the packs first pups being born thrilled her. It made her think about when she might have her next litter, whether she would wait till her season or not.

As for Abel's remark, she nodded in understanding. While she had been close to Arian and her nieces and nephews, this blood feud had to end one way or another. Arian had summoned a challenge knowing she would lose. And in turn, cypress had challenged Sin out of grief and anger then vanished. Knowing how the Armada line worked, she expected that someday, one of them would end it. "I would not stop you from doing so. I expect sooner or later, one of his offspring would do it. But should you choose to do it, then I will not get involved. It's not my feud, and it's not my business to meddle in." And the kin? She did say they were welcome as long as there was no trouble. "I hope to see the rest of your family soon." She was ready to return to her duties then, hoping that she answered what they wanted to know. Everything else would come up during their first meeting, but she would wait a moment longer just in case.



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