
Somebody catch my breath



9 Years
Athena I
05-11-2016, 09:01 PM

Kalliope listened with interest as the man began to describe the stones and their uncertain origin. She appreciated that he didn't comment on her blindness. She didn't mind talking about it at all, but she hated when that was the first thing someone commented on when they met her. She chuckled softly when he described this place as peaceful and good for solitude. The solitude she would agree to, but she wasn't sure how much peace this place brought her. "It's a bit more unsettling for me than it is you I guess," she commented as she settled onto her haunches. "These rocks are the only real landmarks I've found and what I'm guessing is a fog or mist makes everything harder to hear. Not to mention these darn herbs blocking scents." She supposed all of those things could be relaxing for someone that was trying to get away from the world, but for someone like her that relied on those things to look out for predators it was a bit stressful.

"“I am Castiel, an Adravendi. Might I ask for your name, miss?” She wasn't quite sure why he separated his last name like that. Was that a name she should know? Perhaps it was some kind of signifier that she wasn't familiar with. She didn't know many wolves from around here. Most of the wolves in her old pack had been Destructions. Perhaps it was that same sort of thing. She was quick to reply with her own greeting none of the less. "I'm Kalliope, an Arevalo," she replied, copying his introduction with a smirk. "I usually go by Kalli, but just use whatever you like best. I'll respond to just about anything. As long as you don't call me 'that weird blind wolf' we'll be golden."

"Talk" "You" Think