

Jupiter I


7 Years
06-14-2013, 12:14 AM (This post was last modified: 06-19-2013, 11:50 PM by Jupiter I.)
It'd been stirring for a long while, brewing and swirling in a cauldron of paranoia and hate--habitual wariness and earned spite, mixing and curling over one another, boiling in a stew of thought and sending whisps of hints out to those around. A subtle smell or just a glimpse--it hadn't mattered when Jupiter had dropped the news with full force on her pack.

She drank in the scent of the battlefield with relief, nearly glad that she could return to the place of misfortune to sate the itch in her paws, and, this time, the thirst for blood. A slight breeze captured her pelt, toying with the orange hairs and caressing her cheeks with the most gentle of touches, greeting her as if it'd known she'd been coming. Celestial eyes found that no feuds were currently being waged on this cool morning. It seemed as if the earth was relatively free of recent blood. It was likely cleansed by possibly weather or time, setting the perfect stage for what she confidently predicted to be the death of her enemy. To Jupiter, there was no losing.

It had taken only the brush of her pelt against the woman's and a simple, "It's time," to inform her accomplice of the fact that there was no longer a later to hope for--only a now. In matching strides and a steady gait they had traversed from Ludicael and to the battlefield, Mercury trailing behind, hardly a word exchanged between any of them until they stepped paw on the verdant grass.

She paused and immediately Medusa did the same, Mercury pressing his bodice against his companion's back leg. The Sol trailed her optics downward to the greenery, taking a deep breath as she pondered over her preparations. She'd sparred with Mercury over the past week and a half since the birth of her pups, exercising the muscles that were strained and tested in battle, ensuring that she was back in good shape before she took on this massive challenge. The woman hadn't needed a full-blown battle with a larger wolf to do all of this--muscles were muscles, and the soreness had ended yesterday due to her pause in such endeavors, and had hopefully come out a bit more agile because of it.

"I'm ready," she concluded, nodding to confirm this statement. Her violet orbs turned upon her friend, a knowing smile upon her lips. She leaned forth to give an affectionate swipe of her tongue across Medusa's cheek and ear, gratefully accepting any motion in return that the lady might offer with a pause. "Thank you for everything," she murmured, timbre tender. Then, the queen and the harlot lifted their muzzles to the heavens and called for their opponents.


reasons -
so basically it began with Jup meeting Secret, who was force-claimed by Kaios. She went to challenge for her freedom in the thread where Secret entered after Kaios claimed Newt as his mate. Kaios said "give me pups and I'll never bother you again" and Secret took that way out because of her pride. Jup left and things dispersed.

Next, Kaios tried to rape her. They got into a fight. Defaulted in his favor. Woops. But yes, attempted rape is part of it.

Afterwards she headed toward Amenti lands to call him out and redeem herself, but along the way she met a wolf named Kylar, who was also going to kill him but was hesitating as she did. They talked about it and she found out that he's been terrorizing other wolves, and she also learned that when Secret's pups were born Kaios ate those that were stillborn before her eyes.

Through her pregnancy, hormones and too much time to think has been making Jup increasingly paranoid, and she fears for the safety of her pups, her friends, and Ludicael. She now fights for the protection of her pack and her family, whom of which she feels are all threatened. All of this has been evident in other threads, as well as the fact that she has held an unrelenting itch for battle since her rise to power, which is another factor that has influenced her decisions.

Also, in her absence, Medusa was raped and held captive by some random brutes (as an excuse for her hiatus), which has made Jup even more hateful towards rapists and rape in general. We RP wolves in a more humanized way than they probably really are, so a scapegoat is a natural way to cope with things in a world.

ooc - I understand that Aislyn's mother is going through surgery and Ais has to take care of her parent and such, which is why I didn't start the round counter or anything of the like. This is just to get this over with and here before Ais is going more inactive so it won't be a surprise default, and that way she can consider how she will deal with this. She's not required to reply to it until she has returned from caring from her mother (unless the admins intervene otherwise), but may reply before then.

Also, minor powerplay permission given and approved by Muse. She is also posting first after this with Medusa.

This thread is all-welcome, and any may come. I don't know if the DM can be interfered with once issued, but I'd prefer it be treated that way. PM me if there are any qualms with this. ^_^


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.