
New Legacy of Armada


05-12-2016, 04:12 AM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2016, 06:16 AM by sinfuldeity. Edit Reason: fixing links )
Okay bare with me, I've only made one other character for Alacritis/Ardently. XD

Name: Kratos Armada
Design: Liabel2 but preferably my own if allowed.
^This was done on free lines, I also have other artwork of the design here:
It's an OC of mine, not made for this lineage so if the markings are too off, I understand!

Appearance: He was a beautiful wolf with a fade to his jacket that made him appear to be dipped in ink, an ebony starlet with an indigo sheen. His tall presence was one to easily stand out from a crowd- but with a such a bright ivory underbelly, it flagged him nearly like a white-tail. Most disheveled about him was his mantle; gravity defiant and immaculately dense, it rarely ever held a look other than chaotic disarray to hold true to his nature. His solid and lengthy limbs told tales of long runs, his body movements most always graceful and elegant as he would drift across terrain disguised as an extraordinary nebula with how fluid his gate kept; his spine most always completely level. He was an apparent fallen angel, darkened but an image reaching divine and mystic beauty none-the-less. The light of the Heaven's seemingly stood behind those golden windows into his hollowed soul, though a quick turn of the imp's wicked lips was usually enough to reveal Hell's touch as it's rapidfire burned into his heart so bright it glowed.

Personality: Ever estranged was the child's smile, a forced presence upon his fragile, cold blue lips when in the presence of worthy company. He was emotionally distant beyond his own control, his heart heavily guarded and his tongue usually held to prevent anyone picking apart that overclocked brain of his. His bloodline had blessed him with a magnificent image of power, but his hollow eyes gave away the untamed truth: he was a power most volatile. There were not many born as naturally blood thirsty, he was a malevolent fiend most dangerous when left out of range of wandering eyes. If neglected for too long, it was only a matter of time before the tortured soul discovered his own means of gaining attention; infamy, afterall, was just another proud way of making history. With a lineage of horrifying tales, he was just a wandering ghoul searching for it's own way to leave a mark.

Why do you wish to play this pup: I've been following the Armada family for awhile. I've only ever really come to this site for good reads, but I also really enjoy roleplaying. Recently, my main character from another game that I roleplay on died... so my freetime for roleplay has opened up! I tried once before here as Brutus, but I've unfortunately lost the login credentials for that account?

Plot ideas?: One of his siblings betrays him at a young age, or perhaps he betrays one of them. Either way, he learns that even those close to him can not be trusted and turns his focus from familial bonds to a thirst for power to bring to life his own grand dreams, which will be decided and revealed as he grows. Aha. Open to others. I'm also a fan of romance plots but I seriously doubt this guy will be a gentleman. :')

Rp sample: I'm going to link a thread, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do so? But if not, just lemme know and I can edit and make my own. Here is an example of me roleplaying as Brutus with Cesar, but again.. I don't remember the login info for this account. :(