
'Til Death Do Us Part (Medusa x Newt)

Medusa i


5 Years
06-14-2013, 12:17 AM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2013, 11:48 AM by Jupiter I.)
OOC: Challenge for Amenti! Medusa has reached the 50 required posts, and a request for gem deductions will go up right after I post this! Dark, please let me know how many rounds you wish to go (:

EDIT: Gem request accepted! Edited to link to accepted purchase

It was time. The serpent had healed her wounds, and she was as ready as ever to face down her opponent. When her vixen had requested it, the midnight mistress had readied herself. This could very well be the last time she saw her pretty Sol alive, and even though Medusa had unending confidence in her leader, she couldn?t help but feel a sliver of a doubt. On their long march to the battlegrounds her eyes focused upon the woman, trying to take in each step, trying to remember what she could in case she would never see it again. She did not discount the idea that something might happen to her in her own challenge; the serpent was no warrior, although she was not na?ve and frail in the art of war.
All she knew of fighting ran through her head, all her experiences flashing by swiftly. Rumors had said her opponent was huge, but this did not strike fear into the harlot?s heart. Medusa feared not for her own life and safety; if she were to die she would not be missed. Instead she thought of Jupiter, concerned, but knowing she would have to let go of her emotions if she was to focus upon her attack. The idea of a large opponent phased her not; she would have speed and agility on her side, two vital allies. The biggest key was to not let the woman pin her down. If that occurred, the only option the harlot would have would be to go for the underbelly, a place she would have little chance of reaching.
They arrived together, the kiss upon her cheek a final affection that Medusa would smile against. It was then time, lifting her head up she parted her lips, her call for the Amenti ruler coming in unison with Jupiter?s cry for death. Come Queen Slayer, defend your throne. She would mentally prepare herself for the chaos that was to come, readying her nerves for the potential damage that could occur to the russet woman who held her black heart. Inside she was at peace; she had no qualm about dying if that was to be her fate, but she so badly desired, above all else, to live and thrive. Not today she mused quietly. Perhaps she would not win, but the serpent would be damned if she let herself become a corpse to mangle. If anything, she knew that her challenge would protect Jupiter, that she would keep the Queen from defending the King in the battle of death that would already prove difficult for the Ludicael Sol.