
Wakey Wakey Eggs And Bacey



2 Years
05-12-2016, 07:58 PM
The brute would listen to her words. His wounds were small, but he had sustained much more than small wounds when he as much younger. Emotional wounds that would probably never heal within his heart. A small sigh escaped the male as Maria had a serious expression on her face, explaining that she was alone and that her mother had died, and her father probably left her and her mother by the look of things. Why would she even bother looking after him, when she should be looking out for herself more than anything. He would flinch some when he felt her place her paw on top of his own. Obviously they are different as day and night that much was certain.

"Eating is the last thing on my mind right now, Maria," Shadow spoke, his voice showing a sense of anger that was boiling up inside of him, not at her, but himself for being so weak when he was younger. His crimson eyes would be covered by ebony eyelids. "I have been plagued by the same nightmare for months on end, watching my friend be killed and be told that I was weak for not even having the guts to save him. Having to watch scavengers pick away at his body by the very same alpha that killed anyone and everything in his wake; including his own pup..."

Shadow reminisced back on when he was still in the pack, being a year old and yet, he was a pupsitter. Though he did not enjoy the task, for some reason the pack pups had enjoyed his company. The alpha's son loved playing and wrestling with him, but, when the pup made an error when fighting his father on a mock fight to show off his strength, his leg had been twisted. Though it was not serious, the entire pack snarled and circled the pup. Shadow could not watch as the alpha killed his own child without a second thought. That was the last straw for him, and he left without looking back.

Reality came back to Shadow when his claws dug into the soft mud, leaving a paw print. He wanted nothing more than to tear that alpha limb from limb, but, he did not ever want to go back as he looked to Maria. "Go and eat, Maria. I will go and hunt for my own meal, I am just too exhausted and angry to even think about eating." He turned his head back and focused on the clouds, speaking quietly yet probably loud enough for Maria to hear and understand, "I'm sorry...Eri...Kiba..."